Our History
Devnya Cement
1954: Construction of a cement plant in Devnya begins.
1958: On December 4th, the largest cement plant in Bulgaria.
1963 – 1964: The first expansion of the plant is underway. Two new kilns are installed along with four new silos and aggregates transportation equipment.
1975 – 1978: The second expansion of the plant is underway with an additional two kilns constructed. A new aggregates facility equipped with four mills is built along with three mills for the grinding of clinker. Four new silos and a new mechanical repair workshop are constructed.
1992 – 1995: State-owned Devnya Cement becomes a single-shareholder joint-stock company under the ownership of the government as Devnya Cement JSC.
1998: The plant is privatized by Italcementi Group. A second cement mill undergoes reconstruction and a new coal mill is built.
1999 – 2007: An ongoing investment program is launched in order to adapt Devnya Cement to Italcementi Group’s standards in terms of efficiency, environmental impact, quality and safety.
2012: Devnya Cement is awarded a First Class Investor Certificate by the Ministry of Economy & Energy towards the modernization of the plant.
2012: Construction of the New Cement & Clinker Production Line begins with expected date of completion in 2014.
2015: Official Grand Opening of the New Production Line for Clinker & Cement.
2016: HeidelbergCement completes the acquisition of Italcementi Group globally including Devnya Cement plant in Bulgaria.
Vulkan Cement
1937: The first geological research is conducted in relation to the selection of a suitable platform for the construction of a cement plant.
1940: The construction of the plant is underway – two kilns.
October 16th, 1947: The first kiln becomes operational.
1948: The second kiln becomes operational.
1953: The third kiln becomes operational.
1965: The fourth kiln becomes operational.
1999: The plant is privatized by Italcementi Group.
1999: An ongoing investment program is launched in order to adapt Vulkan Cement to Italcementi Group’s standards in terms of efficiency, environmental impact, quality and safety.
2016: HeidelbergCement completes the acquisition of Italcementi Group globally including Vulkan Cement plant in Bulgaria.

Devnya Cement

Official opening / Официално откриване / 04.12.1958.
Devnya Cement

Command hall / Командна зала / 1978.
Devnya Cement

Groundbreaking Ceremony / Първа копка.
Devnya Cement

Details / Детайли.
Devnya Cement

After the first enlargement / След първо разширяване / 1964.
Devnya Cement

Speech by the Manager of the construction activities / Реч на мениджър по конструкциите.
Devnya Cement

Place of the first sod / Мястото на първата копка.
Devnya Cement

Plant construction / Строеж на фабриката.
Devnya Cement

The place, where the plant was build / Мястото, където е построена фабриката.
Devnya Cement

Devnya Cement

Official opening / Официално откриване / 04.12.1958.
Devnya Cement

Command hall / Командна зала / 1978.
Devnya Cement

Groundbreaking Ceremony / Първа копка.
Devnya Cement

Details / Детайли.
Devnya Cement

After the first enlargement / След първо разширяване / 1964.
Devnya Cement

Speech by the Manager of the construction activities / Реч на мениджър по конструкциите.
Devnya Cement

Place of the first sod / Мястото на първата копка.
Devnya Cement

Plant construction / Строеж на фабриката.
Devnya Cement

The place, where the plant was build / Мястото, където е построена фабриката.
Devnya Cement